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Friday, March 19, 2010

Jon Runyan For Congress? Let's Hope Not

Former Eagles offensive lineman Jon Runyan, who retired from the NFL after finishing this year with San Diego, officially kicked off his campaign for Congress tonight. He's running in New Jersey's Third District and has the support of the Republican establishment in the primary, which means he'll likely move on to the general election against the incumbent, Democratic Rep. John Adler. The district traditionally leans Republican but Adler won the seat in 2008.

Runyan should fit right in with the GOP, seeing as how he was widely considered one of the NFL's dirtiest players.

Earlier, he did some interviews and talked about his views.

On social issues, he said he opposes same-sex marriage but generally favors abortion rights.

Marriage, he said "is between a man and a woman." Abortion is a decision between a woman and her doctor - with restrictions, he said.

Needless to say, if I lived in that district Runyan would never get my vote. However, seeing as how he was one of the more popular Eagles in recent years, thanks in part to a lot of favorable exposure on TV and radio shows, it's very possible that the combination of the ultra-right wing, the star-struck, and the brain-dead birther/teabagger elements will propel him into the victory column.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it a little disengenuous of him to say that government spending should be cut when he made millions of dollars in taxpayer funded stadiums that made private owners richer? How many studies have shown that tax dollars and government dollars for stadiums does not return value to the taxpayer but enriches private citizens. Perhaps that government spending would be better used for repairing crumbling infrastructure or another public purpose.

Joe in Philly said...

Well, as one of those links has mentioned, he's gotten some tax breaks himself regarding the building of his house or something, so I think we can safely say where he stands on such issues. *cough*hypocrite*cough*