If you read only one blog full of ranting and raving about sports (local and otherwise), movies, TV shows, miscellaneous pop culture, life and other assorted flotsam and jetsam, make it this one!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

A "WTF!?!" Moment

Reading PopWatch, the Entertainment Weekly pop culture blog, I found this: a full-length music video of...a television commercial. I've seen the commercial, but had no idea an extended version existed until now.

Oh, Megan Mullally, did you need the money that desperately? Oh, Vicki Sue Robinson, are you rolling over in your grave over what they've done to your song?


Anonymous said...

Oh, my. I want to go to that supermarket.

Joe in Philly said...

To shop or to dance?

Lee said...

Turn the cart around,
Got to beat the discounts
Turn it bar code down!...