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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My Week In Comics 2-24-10

Another end-of-the-month cornucopia -- I picked up 8 books, and I thought there would be a 9th but it apparently got pushed back a week. So...

Blackest Night 7 (of 8): I mentioned a week ago in my comment on Green Lantern 51 that there was some stuff I enjoyed involving Orange Lantern Lex Luthor and his lust for power. Here, he's not only content for the power he gets from his orange ring -- he now wants them all. But there's one moment, when Wonder Woman has her magic lasso around Lex, and he reveals what he really wants, that was sublime. Oh, and while that's happening, every living thing in the universe is dying...

Batman and Robin 9: The conclusion of a fine three-part story arc. "Batman" lives, then dies. Batwoman dies, then lives. And Dick Grayson owes Tim Drake a huge apology.

Superman 697: We're at a stage where they're setting up the next round of crossovers among the Super-books, so there's a bit of a mish-mash here. Mon-El, with the help of Superboy, is about to discover who certain people in his life really are, and where they're from.

Teen Titans 80: The second part of Static's return to Dakota, (with Teen Titans trying to locate him). One of those stories where the bad guy is trying to convince a hero that he's gone legit. Yeah, right.

Flash: Rebirth 6 (of 6): I've mentioned before that this miniseries explaining Barry Allen's return has been oft-delayed. The conclusion finally arrived in the stores, and it kind of arrives with a whimper. Maybe it'll work better if and when I re-read the entire series.

Gotham City Sirens 9: A woman is murdered and it appears that our heroes...well, anti-heroes...are being set up to take the blame, so the girls enlist the aid of the Riddler, who's still doing detective work instead of crime. But something strange seems to be going on in his mind...

Victorian Undead 4 (of 6): London is overrun by zombies! And the whole thing was caused by Professor Moriarty! Sherlock Holmes learns that his nemesis is alive...well, in a manner of speaking.

Weekly World News 2: Part two of "The Irredemption of Ed Anger." Poor Ed. Ultra-conservative in a world that adores Bat Boy and other "freaks" that Ed hates so much. Except for the half-man, half-gator, because the Manigator seems to be a God-fearing, beer-drinking, gun-carrying "real" Amurrican. And here's the alternate cover that I got again, instead of the tabloid-homage...look familiar, comic book readers?

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