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Monday, March 22, 2010

Quick Review: Repo Men

Hard to believe they've been sitting on this movie since it was filmed way back in 2007. "Repo Men" stars Jude Law and Forest Whitaker as Remy and Jake. They're, well, repo men. They repossess their company's property from people who fail to keep up with the payments. However, what they're repossessing is artificial organs. This is a film set in the near future, where the science of artificial hearts, livers, etc. has been perfected. No more messy transplants of human body parts. However, it is expensive. After all, a heartless (no pun intended) corporation has to make its profit. In charge in some capacity is Frank (Liev Schreiber). He sends guys like Remy and Jake out to catch the deadbeats, slice 'em open and take out the organ to return to the company. The poor...repossess-ees? Repossessed? What's the word I'm looking for? Anyway, they're left on the floor, gutted open. Now that's health care reform! So something unfortunate happens that turns Remy into a customer. Then he falls behind in his payments. Uh-oh... It's more of a black comedy at first, and shows a little potential, but then it turns into a standard action movie with chase scenes and wild fights and is much less interesting. And I'm mad at myself for not seeing the twist at the very end coming. My grade: C.

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