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Monday, March 22, 2010

Quick Review: Our Family Wedding

And then Jon Runyan...no, no, just kidding. Two posts on his entry into the world of politics and his evil, hate-filled political party are enough for now. Let's discuss something that's not quite as exciting: "Our Family Wedding." Okay, not nearly as exciting. It's not unpleasant, it got a laugh or two out of me, but it's paint-by-numbers and maybe a little dated. A Latino woman (America Ferrara) and her African-American fiancee (Lance Gross) travel home to Los Angeles to inform their families of their engagement. They're living together and she dropped out of law school, but they've kept that information from her parents. His father (Forest Whitaker) and her father (Carlos Mencia) actually meet for the first time under unpleasant circumstances, without knowing that their children will soon be introducing them to each other later, so when the families first meet at a restaurant, arguments ensue. There's all kinds of angst, part of it because of the mixing of the cultures, but there's nothing that hasn't been done before or done better. My grade: C.

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