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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sorry, Annie Lennox

I've decided against a trip to New York City to see Annie Lennox.

That sentence is blasphemous, I know. So here's the deal:

The other day I was on Facebook and there was a post from Annie's page with a link to apply to get tickets to see her perform at the taping of "Christmas at Rockefeller Center." It said there were 500 tickets available. I clicked on the link and registered with the website (which has tickets to a number of TV show tapings, it seems). I requested two tickets, and actually got a confirmation. I clicked to print, and only one page came up (noting that it was for two people).

Then I noticed something on the website. It said that if your ticket was for two and you showed up alone, instead of being allowed in, you'd be put in the standby line! Since no one was able or willing to go with me, I wasn't going to make the trip up there unless I was guaranteed that I'd see the show.

I went back to the website today.
I noticed an option that said "change number of tickets." I tried it, but the page kept refreshing instead of changing my ticket. There was a button to "decline" tickets, so I tried that, and then tried to request one ticket, and got a popup saying "You already requested this ticket."

And then I noticed something else. There was a link to another taping: "Christmas at Rockefeller Center with Mariah Carey." I clicked on it, and it was the same setup -- except it said "Arrival time: 7:30 pm." The arrival time for Annie Lennox was 5:30 pm. In other words, these tickets apparently aren't for the entire show -- just for the portion where Annie (or Mariah, or whoever else is on the show) was taping!

So I'll DVR the show whenever it airs on NBC, and fast-forward through the non-Annie parts. She'll just have to settle for the fact that I'll buy her new Christmas album, "A Christmas Cornucopia," which is now available. (But, as I tweeted yesterday, I won't be buying it at FYE. It seems their policy of "all single CDs for $9.99 or less no longer applies. I'll be damned if I pay $18.99 for a CD by anyone, even Annie Lennox. I thought the $9.99 idea was excellent, because it gives stores a chance against Amazon, iTunes, etc., but FYE apparently prefers to price themselves out of business.)


Anonymous said...

As a wise woman once said, "Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?"

Joe in Philly said...

Avril Lavigne? Wise? Well, at least you didn't say "talented." ;-)