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Monday, November 29, 2010

Randomly Random Randomness

A number of random thoughts, observations and events...

This is how my weekend has gone: Both Friday and today I've stayed in bed past noon. Friday was worse, as I was in bed until 2:30 pm and my cold was at its worst. Today was not so bad, because my sore throat is gone and I was only in bed until about 1:40 or so. Oddly enough, in between -- that would be Saturday -- I got myself out of bed at 10 am, and was able to see a $5.00 matinee showing of "Burlesque" (review forthcoming).

On both of those days I slept in, I didn't bother to shower since I wasn't going anywhere (except a quick trip to the supermarket Friday). Today I put on a long-sleeved Eagles t-shirt and sweatpants, and wore my robe over it. And boy, is this robe old, worn out and dingy. I should really get a nice new one, but I generally don't wear a robe that often. (See? I told you this was random.)

Another Simpsons sports moment of sorts: Tonight, a homing pigeon flew into a bedroom window and injured itself, and Bart was nursing it back to health because Lisa ("They're like rats with wings!") hates pigeons. Homer and Bart are with the bird in the backyard when Moe appears and asks Homer if he ever considered racing the bird: "If it moves, you can bet on it."

Bart: "What about the Detroit Lions?"
Moe: "No no, lay off Detroit. Them people is livin' in Mad Max times."

Speaking of pigeons: At a lot of shopping center parking lots around here you'll find seagulls -- or, as I prefer to call them, ocean pigeons -- hanging about, especially in winter, competing with the regular pigeons for scraps of food they find on the ground. I am very sure that before too long the pigeons and seagulls will find a way to interbreed and create a new species of super-winged "rats." Consider yourselves warned.

Last week's "Glee" episode: I was highly amused by the wedding of Kurt's dad and Finn's mom, and the reception afterwards. I suspected that a lyric in the song "Marry You" was cleaned up at one point, when they sing about "dancing juice," but I just listened to the Bruno Mars original and that's the lyric he sings. What the hell is "dancing juice" supposed to be? The bullying storyline continues to play out (and I knew from the very first scene what was actually going to happen to that honeymoon money), and it was nice to finally see some real action taken. But I am completely at a loss at what the point of Sue Sylvester marrying herself was supposed to be. Was it meant to be a comment on the absurdity of not allowing same-sex couples to marry when something like this could take place? Other than that I'm drawing a blank.

My neighborhood: On the left (above) is a picture of a sticker on a pole around the corner from my house. It's the logo for the Equality Forum. Surprisingly gay for this neighborhood, far from Center City. So, not long after, someone (whose identity shall remain nameless) added a second sticker, from the Human Rights Campaign, on another nearby pole (above right).

Also, a little more than a block away from the location of these poles is the border between Philadelphia and the suburbs. Just over the border is the historical marker shown at left below. On the right is the marker on the bridge crossing over the Poquessing Creek mentioned on the marker. I guess my point in posting these pictures is that history is everywhere in this city -- really, they could put up a sign saying "George Washington slept here," a short walk from my house, and it would be accurate -- and also that lots of bridges are really old and many are in a lot worse shape than this one. Think about that every time you drive across one.

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