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Sunday, November 21, 2010

I Think I've Been Victimized

Remember the other day when I posted about a funny website called "Privilege Denying Dude?" Funny(?) story. I got an email saying someone commented on my post. The email from Blogger includes the comment. But the comment isn't on my site, so I'm assuming whoever posted it removed it. Anyway, it starts out with:

I am the owner of the photo depicted on your post
It is a stock photo and can be purchased at http://www.istockphoto.com
The buyer of the photo who has uploaded it to memegenerator voilated (sic) the Content License Agreement
You can view it here: (then there's a link that doesn't lead to anything but "404 Page Not Found")
You cannot simply use a stock photo image as you wish.
The issue in this case are the following phrases from the Content License Agreement:

Then there's some legal-sounding stuff and more comments and it closes with:

The person depicted in the picture is being brought into disrepute. In this particular case many people have been insulting the model because they believe the model is endorsing those phrases. You cannot see this anymore because tumblr has already removed the content. 
My image agency iStockphoto is looking into the issue. I kindly request you to remove the images from your website since they are not inline with the permitted use of this particular image.

Please inform me when you have taken action.

Best regards

As I said, the comment is now gone. In the email I got when the comment was originally made, the Blogger profile link leads to a page that says "Profile Not Available -- The Blogger Profile you requested cannot be displayed. Many Blogger users have not yet elected to publicly share their Profile."
So just how I'm supposed to inform "Luis" I have no idea. And if it weren't for the fact that I set my Blogger preferences to notify me via email when there's a comment on my blog, I wouldn't have known the comment even existed in the first place.

So, "Luis," if you ever read this, first of all, let me just say that you seem to be kind of an idiot.

Also, I'm removing the picture, just in case any of this is true. (Since the Privilege Denying Dude site is actually gone, it does seem plausible.)

And here's a revised picture, one that I won't be required to purchase since I took it myself.

As for the above picture:

Creative Commons License
This work by Joseph Guckin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Lee said...

You did the right move! IF he sees your post, i wonder if he'll respond?

Joe in Philly said...

We can only hope. ;-)

Unknown said...

here is Luis
sorry if i offended you. The picture of the model was used without his authorization for such a purpose.
There was no other way for me to contact you, since I couldnt not find any link on your page. I did not remove the comment, that seems to have been done by blogger.
hope this clarifies this for you. if you would like to discuss this further please feel free to contact me over my website www.vela-photo.com

have a nice day

Joe in Philly said...

Got a response from Luis (again, I got the email but there's no comment actually in a thread)..."sorry if i offended you. The picture of the model was used without his authorization for such a purpose.
There was no other way for me to contact you, since I couldnt not find any link on your page. I did not remove the comment, that seems to have been done by blogger."