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Friday, November 5, 2010

Quick Review: Hereafter

There are three parallel plots running through "Hereafter," directed by Clint Eastwood. The first involves a French TV journalist who is nearly killed by the Indian Ocean tsunami (graphically depicted, by the way; I can't imagine the horror of trying to survive that). She has a near-death experience that isn't very specific. She just sees bright light and shadowy figures. She tries to return to her normal life but is so affected by what she saw that she takes a leave of absence to research a book on the subject of the afterlife. The second plot features twin brothers in London, one of whom is tragically killed. The survivor, who by now is in foster care since his drug-addicted mother is hospitalized, desperately misses his brother and tries to find someone who can help him contact his brother. The third revolves around George Lonegan (Matt Damon), who lives in San Francisco and is making a meager living in a factory, to the consternation of his brother (Jay Mohr). George, you see, is psychic and can communicate with the dead. He used to give readings professionally, but couldn't cope with the reunions of loved ones with their dearly departed, or something, so he quit. It doesn't seem to be that bad, except for his annoying brother trying to push him back into giving readings. Naturally, predictably, there has to be a way for these three storylines to come together into one. It's well-acted but doesn't really go out on a limb spiritually about what exactly happens to us after we die. I expected a little more. My grade: B-minus.

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