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Sunday, November 7, 2010

My Week In Comics 10-27-10

So I got caught up on all those movies. Now I've got to do the same with my comic book purchases...

Superman 704: Because putting out one comic book a month can be grueling -- which probably explains the recent delay in this title -- the Superman Walk Across America has been interrupted for a tale about Lois Lane visiting her college town in Indiana (which Superman is about to visit on his walk) and getting a glimpse, via an old flame, what her life could have been like. There is a cute moment where three college kids -- two girls and a guy -- all claim Superman as their fantasy boyfriend.

Action Comics 894: Lex Luthor has a near-death experience. To be precise, a near-Death experience. Not to worry, he doesn't die. After all, with Superman over in the other book walking across the country, who's going to be the star of this book if Luthor died?

Supergirl Annual 2: Supergirl was thrown into the 30th century on her way home from Bizarro World and spent time with the Legion of Super-Heroes. There are hints of what lies ahead for her, or at least what may lie ahead. So many of these future storylines disappear when different writers and/or editors take over, or some huge crisis leads into new continuity, or...

Bruce Wayne: The Road Home: Oracle 1 (of 1)
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home: Ra's Al Ghul 1 (of 1): The final two special one-shots that lead to what comes next for Batman and his cohorts. While these stories have been interesting, it feels a bit like a puzzle that's not quite finished because of the delay in the "Return of Bruce Wayne" miniseries.

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