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Friday, November 5, 2010

Quick Review: Paranormal Activity 2

The sequel to "Paranormal Activity," last year's low-budget, big box-office movie, had me wondering how it would be connected to the first one, in which a young couple set up a video camera in their bedroom to get evidence of ghostly activity -- and end up getting more than they bargained for. "Paranormal Activity 2" still doesn't have much of a budget (though higher than the first one) or any known actors. The tie to the original is that this film is about Kristi, the sister of Katie, the woman haunted in the first movie. Kristi, her husband Dan, their young son and Dan's teenage daughter are the targets this time. An apparent burglary leads to the installation of security cameras throughout the house, a plot convenience that allows this "lost" footage to be compiled into the same faux-documentary format as the original. The teenage daughter does some Google searching and finds a possible cause for the strange occurrences. You could call it a backstory for the ghost. There's a mild twist in how Dan eventually deals with it. Let's just say he has a bit of evil in him, and made things worse for a few people. But overall, this one isn't as stirring or suspenseful as the first. The smart move would be to end the series here, declare victory over bloated budgets and go home. But I bet that Katie and Kristi have another sibling or two... My grade: B-minus.

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