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Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Little Twitter Justice

So a guy I've been following for a while on Twitter posted a comment last night about (not his exact words) how some people tweet too much. This was interesting, considering how his tweets were at times among the most numerous, inane and annoying things on my timeline. Pot, kettle, black.

Then I figured out that he wasn't following me back. I was somehow under the impression that he was. There's a website called Friend or Follow where you can easily check to see who doesn't follow you back, and who you're not following back. There's another website where you can see who's unfollowed you, but he's never come up on that since I've started using Friend or Follow. So I guess I overlooked the fact that I started following this guy and he never followed back.

I know that people don't care to follow all of my previously posted Twitter etiquette rules...or any of them...and there are surely times when I can be an annoying Twitter presence. (Like yesterday, for example.) But one thing I can't stand is hypocrisy, and someone who breaks many of my Twitter rules but complains about others' tweeting habits, isn't someone I need to follow, especially if he's not following me back.

So I unfollowed him. Oh, sweet freedom.

I feel that, unless you're a celebrity of some sort (musician, athlete, news media), if I'm going to follow you and you're not really entertaining or informative, you should at least follow me back. Last night I began following back some people who've been following me -- for quite a while, in some cases -- but I hadn't previously reciprocated.

(As for you celebrities, I'd love it if you followed me back. A few actually do. James Franco just joined Twitter. I really want him to follow me back.)

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