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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Our National Anthem (And Why YouTube Blows)

Back on the 4th of this month my friend Kurt sang "God Bless America" during the seventh-inning stretch at the Camden Riversharks game. Today, before the game, he sang our national anthem. Both times I used the camcorder on my phone to record his performance. Both times I uploaded it to YouTube, seemingly successfully -- except that the video has no sound when played in YouTube. The sound exists, and you can hear it, but for some reason when it's on YouTube it doesn't work. This was not a problem with the previous videos I posted on YouTube -- the ones from the Riversharks' Gay Community Night and my report on the feeding habits of local ants. Suddenly the videos I upload to YouTube don't include the sound, I have no idea why -- and there seems to be no way to contact any kind of tech support at YouTube.

This is truly pathetic. If you have a website, you should have a way for people to submit reports of problems. I've searched and searched and can't find anything. YouTube has support staff of some kind -- they're certainly quick to pull videos because of copyright issues. I want to be able to upload videos to YouTube with audio included!

So here's the video, uploaded to Facebook -- with audio...

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