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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hello? Temple/Daily News Q still needs the A

You may have noticed there's a little box on my site from Feedjit.com. That widget keeps track of where hits to my tiny little slice of the Internet are coming from, and how. In reviewing the live feed it provides, I notice I'm getting a number of hits on this recent post, from people Googling for the same information I asked for when I wrote it. It refers to the Daily News headline on Friday accompanying a photo of Temple's move-in day, a headline that was so bad they felt the need to apologize for it the next day (and again on Monday). Obviously I'm not the only one who missed the paper on Friday, so I'm asking again. If anyone knows or can find out what the photo depicted and what the headline said, please let me know.

I know you Temple people are all excited about tomorrow's football game (at least I hope you are), but that's no excuse. If it was that bad I would imagine there'd have been some talk about it around campus. Please help me and some anonymous Googlers sleep tonight. Thank you.

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