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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Quick Review: Inglourious Basterds

I don't know if I can do "Inglourious Basterds" justice. I'm not up to speed on all of Quentin Tarantino's films, and all of the things that have influenced him, but it seems like he throws every one of his influences -- other films, music, whatever -- into this movie somewhere, and to me it's kind of jarring. If he refined it, making a film that's an homage to one style or one theme, it would be more focused. It's hard for me to explain, not being a film scholar or a professional critic. At times I thought it was amazing, and there were other times I just found myself saying, "What the f...?" There's a brilliant performance from Christoph Waltz as Col. Hans Landa, the SS officer known as the "Jew Hunter." I wasn't so crazy about Brad Pitt as Lt. Aldo Raine, leader of the Inglourious Basterds, the squad of Jewish-American soldiers in Nazi-occupied France with one goal that is put simply by Raine: "We're in the killin' Nazi business." They do so very violently (so beware if you're squeamish). The premiere of a German propaganda film becomes a chance to take out the entire Nazi leadership, with both the Basterds and a Jewish woman who once escaped Landa's grasp making plans.

If you're a Tarantino fan you'll probably love it. If you really hate his work, you won't want to see it. I'm in the middle, having only seen some of his work and liking some ("Pulp Fiction") more than others ("Grindhouse"). So... My grade: B.


Anonymous said...

Oooo, very interesting description of what's in store for us if we cough up a weeks worth of grocery money to pay for a movie ticket to see this movie. So... before I start my diet, how does Brad look in the movie? IMO, his relationship with ~her~ is aging him.

Joe in Philly said...

He's fully clothed at all times, so what you see of him in the trailers is what you get. As for whether his relationship with ~her~ is aging him, it could be worse: he could be with Kate Gosselin or Octomom.