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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My Week In Comics: 9-2-09

I only bought one this week. This is so easy I won't be able to procrastinate! Just because I wanted the trip to be worth it, I almost picked up the final volume of "Y: The Last Man" but it wasn't on sale. I want a discounted price. I can buy it from Amazon if I have to, but I'm hoping one of the local comic book shops will have a timely sale. Anyway...

Supergirl Annual 1: There are two stories here. The first is about the repercussions of Supergirl finding a way to end a hostage situation in Metropolis at a time when Superman is away on New Krypton and other Kryptonians have been banned from the planet by the United Nations. The other tells how Lucy Lane, Lois's sister, ended up as Superwoman -- as part of the plan of their father, General Sam Lane, to rid the world of Superman and all other Kryptonians. Without spoiling it, the repercussions of this second story will play out in the weeks to come. For now, revel in Lucy's jealousy. Judging from the sad look on infant Lucy's face as she looks at toddler Lois and their dad beaming at each other, said jealousy started at birth.

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