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Monday, September 13, 2010

My Week In Comics 9-9-10

Just one book on my list again this week, and unlike last week, I didn't add to it with a bonus purchase (although at some point I will be buying the remaining Scott Pilgrim volumes).

Comic Book Guy: The Comic Book 3 (of 5): There's chaos on the streets of Springfield. The death of Comic Book Guy led to the Internet being shut down, and the nerds and geeks are running wild. Only one man is smart enough to figure out how to stop the rampage: Homer Simpson. Meanwhile, because of the changes the new owner made to the Android's Dungeon comic shop, Bart needs a new hobby, and takes up...well, I won't spoil it. I will say that one of my friends, Martha Thomases, who does an excellent job writing this column weekly, will heartily approve. And both Marge and Lisa have dreams in which they receive a message that could...change...everything!

1 comment:

Martha Thomases said...

I brought that issue to the appropriate retail outlet, which I can't name without ruining the surprise.