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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Week In Comics 9-22-10

Remember how I bought the first volume of the Scott Pilgrim series earlier this month? I figured that every so often I'd pick up a succeeding volume. Then Amazon had all six volumes on sale -- at more than half off the cover price. So I ended up buying the other five all at once. Yay for discounts! Now all I have to do is read them. And, of course, comment on them here as I finish each one. Meanwhile, back in my usual realm...

Supergirl 56: Supergirl has taken Bizarrogirl back to Bizarro World, under attack from something Bizarrogirl calls "the Godship." Of course, on Bizarro World Supergirl is called "Bizarro Bizarrogirl." So Bizarro Bizarrogirl meets Bizarro Lex Luthor, "Bizarro World's #1 Genius." And he answers the question, "Why don't all Bizarros speak in exact opposites?" And I think using the word "bizarro" so many times in this paragraph has given me a headache.

The book's quality is erratic, but the logo is way cool
Superman/Batman 76: Hey, it's not another flashback tale from when Bruce Wayne was still around! Instead, it's a flashback tale that focuses on the immediate aftermath of Bruce's "death" during Final Crisis, in particular the reactions of Clark Kent and Dick Grayson, and Clark's reaction when Dick takes over as Batman -- which, even if you want to allow for it being the reaction of a grief-stricken friend, rings extremely false.

The Simpsons' Treehouse of Horror 16: The yearly dose of Halloween goodness with various writers putting their spin on the Simpsons, with varying results. One of the stories guest-stars Motörhead. Would you be surprised if I told you it was written by Motörhead's Lemmy? Probably not. The best thing was the insert in the middle: Marge Attacks! trading cards. No, not Mars -- Marge Attacks!

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