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Monday, September 6, 2010

My Week In Comics 9-1-10

There was only one comic this week that I planned to pick up, but after seeing a certain movie recently I decided to check out the source material. (If you saw my Twitter feed you already saw my photo of that particular purchase...)

Superman: The Last Family of Krypton 2 (of 3): The Elseworlds mini picks up with a teenage Kal-El. So, as we see in a number of books where Superman's features are reminiscent of Christopher Reeve, here he's drawn to look very much like Tom Welling from TV's "Smallville." In this series, where Jor-El and Lara accompanied their son to Earth (and have now added twins to the family), the alternate takes on all of these characters are sometimes interesting, but for the most part there aren't many differences in personality from regular continuity. Even with the fact that the Els are all famous, Kal-El still takes on the Clark Kent secret identity, and takes a job as a reporter with the Daily Planet, and still falls for Lois Lane and so on. It's kind of a fun read, though.

Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life: Yeah, big surprise, I know. The picture gave it away. This is, of course, the first volume of the six upon which the movie is based. From what I can tell, other than a few minor things there isn't any difference yet between this and the movie. The only thing that's odd for me is the black-and-white artwork. It's like an old TV show or movie -- where's my color? Oh, and if you didn't see my Scott Pilgrim avatar, go here!

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