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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Back To The Drawing Board

Here's something that amused me while reading my Twitter feed and watching the Phillies game tonight. Schmaps & Schnaps has a workable idea: authorize it to link to your Twitter account and it can add a map to your tweets showing the location of your business, event, etc. They have Twitter accounts such as this that retweet posts, presumably at random, and add their "schmap" to it in order to promote their service. Here's one such example:

When you click on the link they add, you get this:

Cool, right? Well, sometimes their retweets are a little...off...I happened to click on one of these posts, the one below, and found this:

The tweet in question is referring to the Phillies' radio broadcast. "LA" is Larry Andersen, and "Schneider" is Phillies' catcher Brian Schneider. How this information was extrapolated and turned into a map showing the location of Lawrence H. Schneider, MD, is a mystery. So it seems that if you're in control of when to add the "schmap" it's fine. If it's added to every one of your tweets automatically? Not so fine.

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