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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Quick Review: A Nightmare On Elm Street

Hollywood brings us yet another remake -- this time it's "A Nightmare on Elm Street." There are differences in some plot details between the 25-year-old original and this one, but the basic premise is the same: Freddy Krueger is killing teenagers from beyond the grave through their dreams. Jackie Earle Haley is Freddy now, instead of Robert Englund. In most of the movie Haley's in full Freddy makeup, and when he is, he talks just like he did as the masked vigilante Rorschach in "Watchmen." Like in the original, Freddy is a mostly serious killer, instead of the guy spouting one-liners from the later sequels. There were a couple of humorous lines, though. Obviously this was a financial decision to reboot the franchise; creatively, there's no real reason for this new version to exist. I managed to enjoy it enough, however. My grade: B-minus.

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