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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Week In Comics 5-5-10

I guess I'm a bit of a sucker. On Free Comic Book Day, besides the free books I picked up, I made one purchase -- in part because the book came with a free souvenir ring. Well, another ring is now in my collection. I doubt these things will ever be worth anything, yet I get them anyway.

Superman: War of the Supermen 1 (of 4): New Krypton's forces haven't even reached earth, yet in this first 25-minute installment so much has already happened. There's a four-way slugfest featuring Superman vs. Zod, Ursa and Non, Supergirl confronts her mother about torture and war crimes, Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen share some intel with Superboy and other heroes, but they're unaware that danger lurks -- and all of that takes a back seat to a cataclysmic event that sort of represents Kryptonian history repeating itself.

Red Robin 12: I had begun reading this book when the series started, dropped it for a while, and picked it back up recently when Tim Drake returned to Gotham City. In concluding this story involving Ra's al Ghul's revenge on Tim by wiping out Batman's legacy, we find the former Robin (and future Robin? After all, we already know Bruce Wayne is returning) redeemed. Tim's acting more like his old self instead of the dark, angry character we saw in previous issues. I don't know if I'll keep buying this, but there's a possibility.

Brightest Day 1: You might remember that I tried the "zero issue" a few weeks ago and didn't figure to keep up with this bi-weekly series, because I'm not overly interested in the characters involved. So you shouldn't be surprised to learn that this was the one that came with the free ring. I'm still not sure about this, although I'm reconsidering. If they juggle the story properly this could be as interesting as the "52" weekly series turned out to be.

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