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Sunday, May 16, 2010

My Week In Comics 5-12-10

Another week, another big comic book storyline. Plus, minutes 26-50 of the 100-minute war, and a wrapup on some threads from the lead-in to said war...

Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne 1 (of 6): We knew Bruce Wayne was coming back, of course. The suspense is in where he is (lost in time with no memory of who he is, but also conveniently in possession of his utility belt, which comes in handy) and how he returns (still to be determined). There's also a rocket, which the cave-dwellers in the distant past assume he arrived in, and it contains what seems to be a hand-held Bat-signal -- and Superman's cape. The beginning of this has me intrigued, but also wondering a bit if this is going to get ridiculous like "Final Crisis" (which was the genesis for this whole thing, when Darkseid's omega beams "killed" Batman).

Superman: War of the Supermen 2 (of 4): When the first issue featured the freakin' destruction of New Krypton, there's a lot to live up to, but this issue delivers. General Lane's Human Defense Corps has its first battle against Kryptonian forces, and it doesn't go well for Lane. Supergirl fights Superman (don't worry, it doesn't last long). Superboy, Steel and the rest of the Super-team is about to attack Mt. Rushmore (again, don't worry -- they actually have good reason). Lois Lane is whisked away by her sister Lucy (a.k.a. "Superwoman") to visit their father the general, who gets a timely assist from Lex Luthor.

Adventure Comics 11: Meanwhile, the plot threads from the various Superman books involving Mon-El and the Legion of Super-Heroes from the future get wrapped up here. The bottled cities from planets destroyed by Brainiac have to be restored, and Brainiac himself has to be dealt with. Sadly, Mon-El is dying...

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