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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Philly Sports Joke of the Day

No, it has nothing to do with the 76ers or the Flyers, and if you're not familiar with the local sports scene you won't understand the punchline. I heard it on Daily News Live on Comcast Sportsnet earlier.

By now you know all about the Great Taser Incident of 2010. A 17-year-old doofus ran onto the field during the Phillies' game on Monday night. He ran around evading security until a Philadelphia police officer tased him. The widespread reaction -- while some said it's about time and it would serve as a warning to any other dimwits, a lot of people think the cop went too far -- caused the Phillies to make an adjustment. From now on, only Phillies security employees will chase after someone who runs on the field. They'll then hand the miscreant over to the police.

And now for the joke!

There's good news and bad news. The good news is that the Eagles are going to hold a tackling clinic for the Phillies' security personnel. The bad news is that it will be conducted by Asante Samuel.

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