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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Quick Review: Death At A Funeral

It will help your enjoyment of "Death at a Funeral" if you didn't see the original version, which came from Britain in 2007. Most likely you didn't, because according to Wikipedia it made only $8.5 million in its US release. However, I did, and this remake follows the plot almost exactly. The two sons of the deceased (Chris Rock, Martin Lawrence) are bickering on the day of the funeral, other family members are wacky, one woman's boyfriend (James Marsden) is given what is thought to be a Valium but is actually a hallucinogenic, more wacky hijinks ensue. (Note: nudity alert!) Oh, and there's a very short man who has pictures of himself with the deceased in compromising positions and wants to be paid off. He is played by Peter Dinklage, repeating his role in the original. Again, I believe you'll like it more than I did only because I saw it three years ago, and other than the American cast and setting (as well as some different jokes and a really crude moment involving diarrhea), nothing really changed. My grade: B.

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