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Monday, February 15, 2010

SI Swimsuit Issue: Yikes!

I finally got to peruse the copy of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue that a postal carrier so helpfully left in my mailbox during last week's Snowverkill, and I just have to say...holy crap.

Besides all of the bikini-clad supermodels, many of the ads feature scantily-clad women, on one or two occasions paired with a man, which is shocking. The back cover (both inside and out) features the female Green M&M, and on the inside cover she's peeling off her green shell. There are four wives/girlfriends of international soccer stars in bodypainted swimsuits. How is THIS fashion? The only men seen in any of the photos are in a "Dancing With The Stars" spread featuring athletes, and the men are, of course, fully clothed.

Apparently, however, there must be some female demographic in the readership. There are three men's cologne inserts. (I hate those smelly things, by the way.) One features "Lost" star Josh Holloway (see image), one has a shirtless male model and one has a guy with his little daughter hanging on him from behind. There's also a four-page Perry Ellis ad featuring a male model.

As for articles: for each photo shoot location there's a one-page travelogue, there's a one-page interview of Olympic skier Lindsey Vonn (who is also in swimsuits in this issue), and there's a "humorous" article in which Bar Rafaeli answers questions taken from eHarmony.com and Chemistry.com and the writer analyzes her responses.

I'm fine with all this, but they should really remove the word "Sports" from the title. There's not a drop of sports in this thing.

And, again, where is the all-male swimsuit issue?

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