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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My Week In Comics 1-27-10

How the hell am I supposed to write about the 12 books I ended up buying? I have enough trouble when it's three or four. Ah, well. A little about each one will have to suffice.

The Atom and Hawkman 46: Another one-issue-only "Blackest Night" revival, but actually quite important to the main story.

Green Lantern 50: Also, obviously, "Blackest Night"-related. The only problem is that what happens at the end of the book is revealed on its cover.

Supergirl 49: Finishes off the Silver Banshee story from last month, and someone important apparently dies. Ooooh.

Superman 696: Picks up where Action Comics #885 left off two weeks ago. With the final issue of Superman: World of New Krypton out tomorrow, we'll be that much closer to the War of the Supermen!

World's Finest 4 (of 4): The miniseries featuring the first team-up of Superman and Dick Grayson-as-Batman is done, but it turns out there's a connection between this story and General Lane's plans for New Krypton.

Superman: Secret Origin 4 (of 6): It occurs to me that the title is misleading. There's really nothing "secret" about this. It's still just another revamp of how Superman became Superman and began his heroic career in Metropolis. Some parts I like, some I don't. This book tells the story of his first battle with the Parasite, and the way the book depicts Parasite's method of gaining strength begs the question: "Is it possible to give Superman a hickey?"

Batman and Robin 7: Dick Grayson has surprising plans for Bruce Wayne's lifeless body. Which is odd, considering how only Tim Drake has believed it possible to bring Bruce back. The way I see this particular story arc ending (considering DC Comics' already announced plans for "The Return of Bruce Wayne"), I'm not sure I'll pick up the next two issues.

Detective Comics 861: In the start of a 3-part arc, Batwoman is after a twisted criminal that was once sought by Batman (the original, not the current), with the past story told in flashbacks.

Gotham City Sirens 8: Much different tone than in the previous 7 issues. There's a different writer on this issue; not sure if it's a permanent change or not. If it is, I may not be buying this book much longer.

Teen Titans 79: Anyone who used to read the Milestone comics line knows that the characters of the Milestone Universe have been merged into the DC Universe and that Static is now a member of the Teen Titans. Thus, this story, in which Static returns to his hometown of Dakota after a long absence.

Victorian Undead 3 (of 6): The "Sherlock Holmes vs. zombies" story continues. Very much still enjoying this.

Futurama Comics 47: This was kinda fun, but I've run out of words, so...


Jimmy said...

Hey Joe!

Just wanted to let ya know that I couldn't even give tix away 4 tonight's Flyer game. That shows you how sad things are here (30th place).

I woulda gone but I'm not allowed within 500 feet of Christina Pronger haha!

Anyway, it's already seven minutes in and it's still 0-0. What's wrong w/yer team?!?


Joe in Philly said...

Well, it was still 0-0 59 minutes and 43.9 seconds into the game. And then it wasn't. That's what's wrong with my team. ;-) It's a shame things have gone so wrong for the Oilers since their last Cup finals appearance. BTW, I recently saw "Kings Ransom," the ESPN "30 for 30" film on the trade of Gretzky to L.A. Not sure if there was anything really new but it was very interesting nonetheless. Not sure if any of the "30 for 30" films aired in Canada at all (since the series was to commemorate ESPN's 30th anniversary here).
