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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Week In Comics 2-10-10

Here's what I bought on Thursday -- one day delayed thanks to Snowverkill. Three books, two I really enjoyed.

Batman and Robin 8: Part two of a story called "Blackest Knight," not to be confused with "Blackest Night." No power rings here, but a resurrection is being attempted -- that of Bruce Wayne, via a Lazarus pit. It guest-stars Batwoman and ties into her fight against the Cult of Crime; it also has a tie-in to Bruce's fate in "Final Crisis." I wasn't sure I was buying this after reading issue 7, but I'm glad I did.

Adventure Comics 7: Now here's a "Blackest Night" tie-in. As in the BN: Wonder Woman miniseries, we have a once-dead hero converted into a Black Lantern by a black power ring, and we see said hero -- in this case, Superboy -- trying to find a way to regain control of his own body. It rings true to the character and his development (a two-page synopsis of Conner's history at the start of the book is a good reminder of how far he's come.

Action Comics 886: The tale of Nightwing and Flamebird continues, but much too much of the book is devoted to the history of the Kryptonian legends they're named after. I'm not sure how much of this particular storyline will feed into the coming War of the Supermen, and unless it does I sort of don't care.

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