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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I'm not so good at multitasking

As I write this I'm listening to the latest podcast by sex-advice columnist Dan Savage. At least I'm trying to. I have found that I can listen to music while online, but if I try and listen to podcasts or sports-talk radio or something on the TV if I have it on, I can't do any online reading. I can't concentrate on both. I'll be listening to a podcast and have to stop because I have no idea what anyone's talking about and have to start it over. Or I listen closely to a podcast and I have to re-read the article I'm staring at. This is frustrating me to no end.

I've gotten about 7 minutes into the Savage podcast and have stopped and re-started it four times already, including twice while writing this. ARRRRRGH! Does anyone have any advice? I'd really like to be able to visit my favorite websites while listening to my favorite podcasts. Instead I have to sit here doing nothing or else play chess or solitaire on the computer. (Re-starting the Savage podcast for the fifth time now!)

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