If you read only one blog full of ranting and raving about sports (local and otherwise), movies, TV shows, miscellaneous pop culture, life and other assorted flotsam and jetsam, make it this one!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Self-Promotion And Other Randomness

I once thought, not seriously, about wearing a t-shirt or hat with the URL of this blog, just to see if people asked about it or if it created more traffic. I suppose I could still do that. It's certainly a better method than this:

That's on a stall in the men's room at the AMC Franklin Mills theaters. (Yes, I actually saw movies this weekend! I may write about them someday.) And it's an actual Twitter account, although not one I'd ever follow, unless they followed me first.

Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for the heating assistance funding to be completely spent so they'll lay me off from work. As I understand it I would be eligible for unemployment but they have a bunch of rules for new applicants requiring them to jump through hoops applying for other jobs. I'm not sure I want to bother with all of that. I'm going to look for work once I'm laid off, but I want to do it on my terms. Does that seem weird?

Anyway, until then my free time is still rather limited, and with other stuff going on lately I've really been struggling mentally. I just need to hang on a little while longer.

Just wanted to throw a TV note in here: I tried to watch the premiere of "GCB," but after two different attempts I just can't get into it, so it's now deleted from my DVR. Sorry, Kristin Chenoweth.

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