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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My iTunes Shuffle Baker's Dozen - The Madonna Edition

Partly in honor of the release of Madonna's new album MDNA, partly in the hopes that I would somehow get the CD I pre-ordered from Amazon earlier than scheduled (I didn't), I did an all-Madonna, all-day shuffle at work today. Clearly iTunes has a sense of humor, not only playing two completely different songs that share the same title but playing them back-to-back. Lots of remixes and album cuts, and only two hits in their original versions.

Die Another Day
White Heat
Forbidden Love (from "Bedtime Stories")
Forbidden Love (from "Confessions on a Dance Floor")
Take A Bow
Bad Girl (extended version)
Goodbye To Innocence
American Pie (Richard “Humpty” Vission Radio Mix)
Frozen (Stereo MC’s Remix)
Erotica (Kenlou B-boy Mix)
Music (HQ2 Club Mix)
Like A Prayer (12” Dance Mix)

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