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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Quick Reviews: Too Many Movies To Count

That headline isn't true. The count is eight. Eight movies I've seen between February 19th and yesterday. And I'm not allowing myself to watch my Sunday night TV shows until I finish this. Plus, I'm sick of the ticket stubs sitting here, on the table, mocking me.

These are in chronological order except for the first one, which was a 2011 release...

The Descendants: Really fine. George Clooney excelled, as (almost) always. Not too much rang false with me in this. I put it into my 2011 Top 10. See which movie got bumped from the list here. My grade: A-minus.

The Woman In Black: Started out really dull and never truly picked up in intensity. Neat twist ending saved this grade from being worse. I'm really loving Daniel Radcliffe, though. My grade: C-plus.

This Means War: Ugh. My grade: D-minus.

Chronicle: Surprisingly good. I can do without the silly "found-footage" genre, though. As if at every remotely important point in a story there's always -- ALWAYS -- someone with camera filming away. My grade: B-plus.

Silent House: Elizabeth "Not A Twin" Olsen shows signs of talent, but this...thing...was a joke. I figured out pretty fast what was going on. Thisclose to an F... My grade: D-minus.

21 Jump Street: As I tweeted after I saw it, I'm stunned by how good it was. There may be hope for Channing Tatum after all. My grade: A-minus.

Dr. Seuss' The Lorax: Nice adaptation, though I'm not sure the message didn't get muddled by all of the added details and characters, not to mention the songs, which didn't enchant. My grade: B.

The Hunger Games: Didn't wow me like I expected, based on the reviews and viewer comments. The take on "reality" television was eerily accurate to the point that I was aggravated, because that's what most "reality" television does to me. My grade: B.

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