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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Quick Review: The Kids Are All Right

Well, I now have four movies to write about. I really should start using the camcorder on my phone to record instant video reviews and put them up on YouTube...oh, wait...

So, "The Kids Are All Right." Annette Bening and Julianne Moore are Nic and Jules, partnered lesbians. They each gave birth to a child, using the same anonymous donor's sperm. Nic is a doctor but kind of uptight, Jules sort of goes between "careers" and is more the crunchy-granola earth-mother type. Their daughter Joni (Mia Wasikowska) has just turned 18 and is headed to college, and her 15-year-old brother Laser (Josh Hutcherson) has a request for her: he wants to meet their dad, the anonymous sperm donor. Joni can get the records because she's now 18. She isn't really interested but decides to do so for her brother, and thus the kids' father, Paul (Mark Ruffalo) comes into the lives of this family. It's a sweet, funny little film, it's well-acted (particularly by the kids) and Mark Ruffalo is dreamy. (And briefly naked! Yay!) There's some relationship drama but it doesn't get too overwhelming except near the end. I especially liked the fact that a lesbian couple with two kids isn't made into a big deal. They're just a family dealing with family stuff. My grade: B-plus.

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