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Thursday, December 31, 2009

My Week In Comics 12-30-09

It's the last week of 2009, and from what I've read no books at all were supposed to be out this week, but DC Comics was kind enough to whip up some promotion for the comic shops to put out one new release...

Blackest Night 6 (of 8): ...and fortunately, it's one that I wanted. What I like to call the pseudo-zombies are still attacking, and things have gotten worse: not only have dead heroes and villains been turned into Black Lanterns, but heroes who had died and then returned -- including Superman -- have also been converted by black power rings. Two such resurrected heroes, Barry Allen and Hal Jordan, are also being chased by black rings. Barry being The Flash, though, figures out a clever way to outrun them. And a new twist is in play as each of the power rings wielded by the various Lantern Corps gets a duplicate; the new rings then hook up with people to wear them. The choices are most interesting. Although I haven't been so crazy about a lot of the tie-in books, this series continues to be a fun ride.

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