Tuesday, July 20, 2010

French Fry Review: "I'm Lovin' It!" - A. Ant

Submitted for your approval: video I took today at a McDonald's at Franklin Mills Mall (a freestanding building on the outside, not in the mall itself). This is the window ledge next to where I happened to sit down. I saw a couple of french fries sitting there, but they looked odd because there were these specks on them. Then I saw that there were other specks along the ledge, and they were moving...

I took that video at 12:30. They only start serving fries at 10:30 or 11 because before that they only serve breakfast. So either those fries sat on that window ledge overnight, or they were only dropped within that two-hour window and those ants swarmed quickly.

And let me be honest about this:
things like this won't stop me from going to fast food places, especially if I can't tighten up my dietary habits so as to lose some of the weight I regained in the last two years. Unless it's right in my food or on my table, or whatever, I just don't get skeeved out. I assume some of this stuff can be found behind the scenes of every restaurant, whether a fast-food joint or the most exclusive Zagat-rated palace. Of course, it's a different matter if it's really blatant, like this...

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